In our October show we talked with friend of boattalk Peter Neill of the World Ocean Observatory (there’s a link to them at the bottom right of our home page) about the ocean gyres and the garbage patches they are becoming. Its a bad situation that is receiving little attention, but is something we can all do something to remedy. The discussion was very interesting and enlightening. Just click on the October show in the right hand column of our home page to listen. The discussion was in the second half of the show. An interesting website trying to raise awareness on this subject is We boatbuilders may have some issues with their vessel and we would be glad to talk about it during our show, but their heart is in the right place.
For some sad photos of the problem check out “pacific garbage patch” in google images. I use a cloth shopping bag now and refuse any plastic bag for purchases. Get your coffee in a reuseable cup. For many years now one of my greatest personal annoyances when way offshore is to see styrofoam cups and disposable diapers floating by. We all can do better. a.s.
In our October show we talk with John Ferland vice president of the company here in Maine that is developing tidal power projects here and in Alaska. It was an interesting discussion. If you are interested in tidal power it is worth while to listen to that show. Just click on the oct. show in the right hand column. For more information visit John’s company’s website a.s.
A couple of times on past shows Giffy Full has mentioned his “pot deflectors” as a friendlier way of minimizing getting lobster trap rope wound-up in your propeller. Friendlier than cutters, one trap costs about $50. So a picture is worth a thousand dollars. Here’s 2K. The forward pin is smaller than the aft pin in the bracket, so if it takes a hard whack it should swing back. The fasteners are copper rivets.
While I was at the boat he told me I should see his portlights also. He calls them the “Winthrop Warner” portlights. Pretty simple. Just change the glass for a screen made of screening laminated into a formica frame for ventilation. No great panes here. a.s.