Boat magazines

Published on July 1, 2013 by in Talk

Mike and I both frequently find interesting things to talk about on Boattalk while reading some of the local boating magazines, four of which we pick-up free (we’re both quite cheap) at many locations here on the coast of Maine.  Here are six that I have on my desk right now.  They are all available on line and all have different perspectives, which is just what we are looking for.  So not to play favorites, here they are in alphabetical order:
Fishermen’s Voice  As the title says, this newspaper format monthly gives the views and hopes of Maine fishermen.  Our friend Laurie Shreiber frequently has articles here and she does a very good job at thorough reporting of fishing issues.  Lee Wilbur tells good stories of boatbuilding and local people.
Maine Coastal News  This is another newspaper style monthly produced pretty much by a two person shop that packs an amazing amount of information of boatbuilding, boat racing, history, classifieds and more.  Jon Johansen takes you right into many of the boat shops and yards for current news and photos.
Messing About in Boats  A subscription monthly magazine that has been published for a long time in Massachussetts with a world wide readership.  It is devoted to small boats and builders, pro and amatuer.  Home boatbuilders love this mag.  Extensive classifieds.
Points East  Produced in New Hampshire, this monthly covers boating from Long Island Sound to Eastport and sometimes beyond.  Mostly a cruiser’s mag, with some sport fishing news and good classifieds, they have a full list of events for boaters and reader submitted articles.  We like reading Dave Roper.
Woodenboat  A high end subscription monthly magazine for anyone who owns, builds, wishes, and/or likes boats.  Always excellent articles and photographs (and drawings) make this locally produced mag a worldwide product.    Also good classifieds.
The Working Waterfront   Published monthly by Maine’s own Island Institute, with a weekly email edition, they have a lot of information about Maine coastal living and people.  
This is certainly not a complete list and you are welcome to add more by contacting us through our contact us page.  a.s.     

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