Published on July 8, 2013 by in Talk


Mike will be doing some romote reporting on the next Boattalk, Tuesday July 9, 2013.  He is helping to deliver the Lewis Story, a replica of a Chebacco Boat which were common work boats made here in New England right after the Revolutionary War.  The Story was built by Harold Burnham in Essex, Massachusetts in 1998.  Mike is helping to bring her to Somes Sound for the Mt. Desert Historical Society.  Looks like the weather is going to be a bit on the rainy side and the Story only has a small deck in the front for protection from the elements.  We’ll probably hear about that and more when Mike calls in to Boattalk 10 am 89.9 fm in the Blue Hill area and 99.9 fm Bangor; also streaming on the web at  Mt. Desert Island Historical Society for a full listing of events including free sails.


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